Monday, May 30, 2011


Hey Guys! 

I'm in the middle of a book right now that is taking me forever to read, so I thought I would write about authors. 
Whenever I find an author I like I try and get as many of their books as possible, but sometimes some of their books aren't as good as the first book you read by them.  I have this problem a lot of times. 
Lets say you are in love with Kiss by Ted Dekker, but you think The Bone Man's Daughter by Ted Dekker is the worst book ever, So you think, "I bet all of his other books will be like this".
From what I have learned, most authors have that one book that you don't like. There are many reasons you might not like that one book, Maybe it is the setting or that it didn't seem to flow well, and maybe it just seemed boring.... So you should give it another chance and read a different book by that same author.
Never judge a book by its author.

 This might be just me, but I like to look up the author before I start reading the book, or go to and read the book reviews.  I know it helps me decide if I want to read the book or not. 
  Anyway, The point of this post is to help you find authors that have lots of good books that I think you will enjoy.
I have a list of some of my favorite authors here on my blog.  If you haven't already read it, it is on the right side of the screen under my bookshelf.  I would love to hear from you about authors that you would recommend.  Hope I helped you out a little. 

Happy Reading! <3

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Book #72

Hi All!

The Bride Collector by Ted Dekker was book number 72! :)
If you don't already know this about me I'm in Love with Ted Dekker! I have 18 Ted Dekker books and that isn't even all of his books! I was super excited to read this book, and I wasn't disappointed in the least. I personally think this is one of Dekkers best. All of his books are very fast pace and very suspenseful. 
This book takes you on a journey with FBI special agent Brad Raines and his partner Nikki, while they are trying to catch a serial killer that has killed four young girls. The killer leaves no finger prints, no boot prints, not even a hair, all he leaves for the FBI is The girl and a bridal veil covering her face. 
With not much for the FBI to go on they are checking every lead they get, and one of those leads them to The Center for Wellness and Intelligence.  Thats where they meet Paradise. With Paradises help they hope to solve this case as soon as possible. Little do they know that the case is about to take a very personal turn.   
If you like books that will keep you on the edge of you seat, you won't be able to put this book down till you finish it.  

Happy Reading!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Back to January

Hi there! 

I thought I would explain a little more about why I decided to count all the books I read in 2011.
In December of 2010 I was sitting at home reading a book, (I can't even remember what book). 
and I thought to myself "I wonder how many books I have read this year?" I couldn't even remember what I had read the month before.  I started to wonder how many books I had read in 2010, I still can't remember.
So I decided that in 2011 I would count every book I read.  On January 1, 2011 I started reading Blessed Child by Ted Dekker. When I finished it I began a journal where I number and write my thoughts about every book I read. So far I have 71 entries in my little book journal.
 I was talking to my Dad about it sometime in January and he suggested that I write a note on Facebook for every book I read. I thought to myself that I would most likely just annoy all my friends because of all the new notes I would be writing.  So I just kind of put that thought on the back burner. 
My Dad kept encouraging me to write a note on face book or start a blog. 
I didn't really know if I even wanted to start writing a blog, because I didn't really know what to say about the books I read.  I wasn't even sure if people would want to read it, and once again just pushed aside the idea. 

One day in this month I was talking to my Dad about what the count was up to, and he said "I still think you should write a blog, I think people would enjoy reading it."  I finally agreed, and asked my Mom to show me how to blog.  Later that day we all sat around brainstorming about what to name my blog. Thanks to Holly we came up with The Random Reads of a Brown Girl. So here I am! 
Now when you see a number beside a book review you'll know why that number is there.
Thank you Daddy for encouraging me to do this and thanks to you Mommy for showing me how. I Love you both! 

Happy Reading!! <3

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Book #71

Hi All!

Book #71 
I just finished The Measure of a Lady by Deeanne Gist.

This is an Awesome book!  I love the way the Deeanne writes, she makes you feel like you're in the book. It was as if I were transported back in time to the crowded streets of San Francisco in the middle of the gold rush. 
All her books feel very real. When you finish one of her books you feel like your best friend is moving away and you can't wait till you see them again, so you just have to read it again.
This is one of those books where you can cry every time you read it even though you have read it half a million times.

The Measure of a Lady is a nice easy read.
If you like a book that will make you cry, laugh, and say"Aww", then you will love this book!

Happy Reading! 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

About Me

Hi Everyone!

My name is Abbie, I'm 14 and I love to read!
Since the beginning of 2011 I have counted all the books I have read.
My Dad has encouraged me to write a blog about all the books I have read.  So far I have just been writing down in a notebook the information about the books I have read. My dad kept telling me I should write a blog. So I finally gave in and said "Yes, I will start a blog". 

So the point of this blog is for me to write about books I have read, and random thoughts I have on the book, and to recommend books that I think every one should read(: 

This year I have read 70 books... 
(i told you i like to read).
Anyway, I don't have a favorite book, there are way too many good books out there to choose one as my all time Favorite.

I would Love to hear from any of my readers (if I have any) about books they have read and/or their favorite book(s)! 

Happy Reading!